Saturday, 17 May 2014 11:40:41 GMT+7 | 3809 views OPEN CALL FOR ENTRIES NOW - JUNE 8th, 2014 The Other Hundred is a unique not-for-profit photo-book initiated by the Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT) aimed at providing a counterpoint to the mainstream media consensus about some of today's most important issues.
At its heart, The Other Hundred is an attempt to introduce readers to the vast majority of people, ideas, places and cultures simply ignored by most major media publications. Whether it is an excessive focus on extremes of wealth or poverty, the obsession with whatever is dominating the current news cycle or the pushing of a particular political agenda, mainstream news no longer accurately reflects the experience of most people around the world.
Through an annual series of books, each focusing on a particular issue or subject, The Other Hundred will provide an alternative and refreshing view on everything from people and their homes to performers, chefs and authors.
Submit Now
What We're Looking For
We want you to send us photographs of the world’s Other Hundred Entrepreneurs – portraits that capture the infinite variety of ways in which people venture out on their own to create their own livelihoods. We think of an entrepreneur as someone who has taken a risk, done something new, or taken charge of their lives in some way. They should own a business, big or small, that they’ve used to take charge of their lives or do something different.
We’re not looking for conventional success stories, but rather images that show just how entrepreneurial people can be when it comes to taking control of their lives.
Each entry must be accompanied by 250-500 words that tells the story behind its subject – what they did that was new or different, what risks they took, what obstacles they’ve overcome and how successful or otherwise they have been.
We know there is a chance that what we are looking for will not already be in your portfolio. We encourage entrants to go out and look; you might simply start with someone inspiring in your own community.
Past participants include such award-winning photographers as Ami Vitale, Reza, Tomas Munita, Edwin Koo, and Franco Pagetti. The first edition of The Other Hundred has been featured in over 110 media outlets, including CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, The Guardian, Forbes, and NHK. Photographs from the winning 100 stories were exhibited at both Pacific Place and Asia Society in Hong Kong with additional events to follow in New York, Berlin, Beijing, Singapore, and the UAE in 2014.
All entries must be submitted online at starting 12:01am Hong Kong time on March 15th, 2014. The deadline for submission is 11:59pm Hong Kong time on June 8th, 2014.
Submissions may be a single photograph or a series of up to 10 photographs accompanied by 250-500 words telling the subject’s story. There is no limit to the number of entries per person.
All submissions are free.
Judging will take place in July 2014. Winning entries will be chosen by our world-renowned jury: Lisa Botos, Ruth Eichhorn, Yumi Goto, Chandran Nair, Simon Cartledge and Stefen Chow.
Our jury will select 100 winners from the submissions, all of whom will receive an honorarium and a complimentary copy of the book. Winners’ names will be available online at in July 2014.
The top three winners who submit projects embodying the theme and inspiring the jury will receive the following prizes:
1st Place (1 photographer): US$5,000
2nd Place (1 photographer): US$2,000
3rd Place (1 photographer): US$1,000
All other winners will receive a US$300 honorarium.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions may be a single photograph or a series of photographs. This is a global endeavor, and we welcome submissions from all over the world.
Submission specifications:
To be considered photos must
• Be taken with a minimum 12 megapixel camera, preferably DSLR
• Have a dimension of 1000 pixels on the longer side, at 72 dpi in maximum quality JPG format (Should your photo(s) be selected by our jury, we will ask for you to re-submit your highest-resolution version of the photo(s))
• Be no larger than 1.5MB per file
• Have either an Adobe or sRGB color profile
• Be part of a set of 1- 10 images
• Be free of excessive digital manipulation
• Must be taken after December 31, 2009, but images taken in 2013 and 2014 are preferred
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
For questions about submitting a photo story, click here for submissions FAQ.